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The heater comes with a bayonet fitting, we do not supply a hose to a POL fitting.
Below are some reasons explaining why the Superheat 2 LPG heater cannot be directly connected to a 9kg LPG bottle.
These explanations come directly from the Instruction Manual. The heater has been approved and certified according to the installation instructions and so must be installed accordingly.
For example, they cannot be installed in bedrooms or residential garages as explained on the NSW Government Fair Trading website:
This would be caused by covering the heater with something like clothes if trying to dry washing. It should not be covered by anything. This is a misuse of the product which voids the warranty.
You should not leave unit alight when the house is unoccupied. Turn off immediately and ventilate the room. Get the heater serviced by a technician or return the heater is it is within warranty. If it’s a funny smell for the first use of the season, clean the heater of dust before use and ventilate the room for the first couple of hours of burning.
Flueless gas heaters are illegal in SA, VIC and TAS. They are safe to use in other states provided the installation and use of the product are followed as per the instruction manual.
100hrs on high. 200 hrs on low.
A flueless gas heater releases combustion gases and water vapour directly into the home. They are more energy efficient and cost less to purchase and install than flued gas heaters.
The longest hose allowed by Aus law is 3m. 10HEV3000 is our compatible 3m hose.
2.5m from heater outlet. 1.25m from the tops, sides and inlet. Never operate on elevated structures such as platforms or scaffolds.
If you have searched our website, document library & FAQs and haven’t found the information you need, please contact us to resolve your query and so we can continue to improve the data we share here.